
Today's fast-paced virtual world demands new ways to improve productivity & communication online. This is precisely what this project delivers in a web-based RTC format, built from Node JS Express & React frameworks.

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Appointment Web System

The Appointment Web System full stack website. Written in NodeJS Express, it is one of my most comprehensive projects to date. Developed with a team of three IIT Graduates.

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A realistic bookseller's website complete with authors and publications. Built using NodeJS Express.

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Blog site featuring registration, authentication & posting. Built from NodeJS Express.

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Mario Forum

Allows users to sign up & post new projects or events. Notifies about new users joining or events being posted. Built using ReactJS.

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Why Choose Me

I am interested in a full stack developer position, based on my specialization in Web Design & Application Development, from the Illinois Institute of Technology.


I regularly commit and push code to my GitHub profile. My current work is based primarily on NodeJS Express framework. I am working on other projects including ReactJS & React Native web applications.

Problem Solver

In the face of a challenge, I do not back down easily. I work around the problem, looking for possible solutions. Break it — then rebuild it. Make it better than before.


It is important to stick to the problems that matter most. For me, that was completing my education at IIT. Though a great challenge, I committed to the program and earned my Bachelor's & Master's degrees simultaneously.


The key thing is working hard every day. While yesterday's accomplishments can be pleasant to reflect on, what matters is what happens next. Moving forward to create something incredible. This is what drives developers to innovate & push the boundaries of what's possible.

Books I'm Reading

DevOps Handbook

Teaches tactical evolution — meeting the next generation of development, agility, workflow, coordination & cooperation. Elaborates on the effective management of technology & assets which keep companies competitive in today's fast-paced industries.

Design It!

Provides purpose by creating meaningful designs. By asking the right questions, exploring options, sharing decisions, & facilitating collaboration, all of us can design better. User testing is a key part of ensuring the practicality & usability of interfaces. Good UX stems from good UI. Don't engineer by coincidence — design it like you mean it!

Release It!

It's not always smooth sailing or flying. Sometimes a single major disaster can have a decisive impact on an organization. The impact to change and rebuild for the better — or be brought down under the weight of your own technical debt. Code is a liability until it is put to the test in production. But don't just test it — release it!

Eloquent JavaScript

There are two types of programmers out there: those who can make the code work, and those who can make it work optimally. This is the guide to change programming style for the better — to not only write functioning code; to optimize its processing and rendering time in the browser.